A Statewide Day of Fasting and Prayer

Below is a guest editorial by State Representative Barry Loudermilk.

A Statewide Day of Fasting and Prayer

By State Representative Barry Loudermilk

During crucial events in our nation’s history, the American people, as a nation, often turned to God for direction, guidance and Divine intervention.

During a time of devastating drought, the pilgrims sought God’s intervention to bring rain and a bountiful harvest, which He did.

Upon hearing the news of the battles of Lexington and Concord, the First Continental Congress sought God’s Divine Providence as they prepared for war against a far superior military power, Great Britain.

During the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin reminded the delegates that without God’s assistance in building this nation, they would be no more successful than the builders of the tower of Babel. Franklin then encouraged them to join together in prayer and ask for God’s Divine intervention on their proceedings.

On June 6, 1944, as our soldiers, sailors and airmen landed on the beaches of Normandy to liberate the people of France from Nazi oppression, President Roosevelt asked the people of America to join together to pray for God to lead our men, “straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith,” as they “struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.”

Today, there is still a “suffering humanity,” seeking the most basic right given by God to every man, the right to live. In Georgia, approximately 33,000 children, every year, are denied their right to life through the practice of human abortion.

As many throughout our history have turned to God for His Divine assistance, I am calling upon the Christian community across the State of Georgia to join together with members of the Georgia General Assembly in a statewide day of fasting and prayer, for the liberty of human beings not yet born.

On Wednesday, February 24, 2010, I will join with citizens across the state to ask for God’s Divine intervention in our efforts to pass the Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act, this year, which will begin to bring an end to selective abortion in our beloved state.


Representative Barry Loudermilk represents the citizens of District 14, which includes portions of Bartow and Floyd Counties. He was elected into the House of Representatives in 2004, and is currently the Secretary of the Energy, Utilities, & Telecommunications Committee as well as Secretary of the Transportation Committee. He also serves on the Health and Human Services, Small Business Development and Jobs Creation Committees.